Health Insurance is a contract between the insurer and the insured wherein the insurer agrees to pay hospitalisation expenses to the extent of an agreed sum insured in the event of any medical treatment arising out of an illness or an injury
Family Floater - The sum insured floats among the family members. Family floaters usually cover husband, wife and children. Premium will normally be charged based on the age of the oldest member of the family proposed for insurance.
Cashless Facility - a facility extended by the insurer to the insured where the payments of the costs of treatment undergone by the insured are directly made to the network provider by the insurer.
Group health insurance policy - available to groups/ associations/ institutions/ corporate bodies, provided they have a central administration point and are subject to a minimum number of persons to be covered. The group must belong to a category that is approved
Expenses covered under health insurance - Cost of room / bed,Boarding expenses, Nursing expenses, Doctors fees, Diagnostic tests, Operation theatre charges, Expenses related to surgical appliances and the like