Important Points for IC 86 - Risk Management Exam

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  • Uncertainties are the risks for which analysis is impossible by virtue of the fact that they are either a 'one-off' event or because their occurrence does not follow an apparent pattern of events.
  • The Probability of Occurrence or the chance that an event may take place is defined as the number of occasions a particular event will occur in an infinitely large number of independent events. It is always in the range of Zero to One.
  • The deviation in actual from expected outcome is a measurement of the degree of variation between expected and actual outcome
  • Classification of risks: Personal, Property or Liability Risk - Physical, Social or Market Risk - Pure or Speculative Risk - Static or Dynamic Risk - Fundamental or Particular Risk
  • Personal, Property or Liability Risk - Personal : Potential loss to the persons, Property : Potential loss to the property, Liability Risk: Potential liability for any individual or institution

Risk Management Exam