Important Points for IC 99 - Asset Management Exam

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  • Allotment, refund and payment of interest (Regulation 18) : The issuer and merchant bankers shall ensure that specified securities are allotted and / or application moneys are refunded within 15 days from the date of closure of the issue.
  • Pricing (Regulation 28) : An issuer may determine the price of specified securities in consultation with the lead merchant banker or through the book building process.
  • Application to the Central Government for Recognition (Section 3) : Section 3 of SCRA lays down that any stock exchange, desirous of being recognised for the purposes of this Act is required to make an application to the Central Government.
  • Power of Recognised Stock Exchanges to make bye-laws (Section 9) : According to Section 9, any recognised stock exchange may, subject to the previous approval of SEBI, make bye-laws for the regulation and control of contracts.
  • For a company to be listed on a stock exchange, the company has to enter into a listing agreement with the respective stock exchange(s).

Asset Management Exam