Important Points for IC 99 - Asset Management Exam
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During 2015, the life insurance premium in India (inflation adjusted) increased by 7.8% when global life insurance premium increased by 4%. Indian non-life insurance sector witnessed a growth of 8.1 percent (inflation adjusted) during 2015 whereas the growth in global non-life insurance premium was 3.6% only.
During April 2015 to March 2016 period, the life insurance industry recorded a new premium income of Rs 1.38 trillion (US$ 20.54 billion), indicating a growth rate of 22.5 per cent. The general insurance industry recorded a 12 per cent growth in Gross Direct Premium underwritten
IRDAI has granted approval to 23 Cross Border Reinsurers (CBR) for the year 2016-17. Now Indian Insurers will be in a position to make reinsurance arrangements / placements with large number of reinsurers.
Underwriting loss in General insurance sector has increased to Rs. 10,127 crores in 2014-15 from Rs.7,641 crores in the previous year resulting in 33% rise.
Estimating real worth of a stock requires in depth examination and analysis of the earning potential of an organisation, which depends on investment environment and analysis of both qualitative factors and quantitative factors relating to specific industry.