Important Points for IC 99 - Asset Management Exam

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  • The modern portfolio theory provides the research studies and analysis on the effects of asset risks, returns, correlation and diversification of risks for maximisation of portfolio returns.
  • Harry Markowitzs Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) assists in the selection of the most efficient portfolio by analysing various possible portfolios of the given securities.
  • As per HM model, a portfolio that gives maximum return for a given risk, or minimum risk for given return is an efficient portfolio.
  • For selection of the optimal portfolio or the best portfolio, the risk-return preferences are to be analysed by the investors. An investor who is highly risk averse will hold a portfolio on the lower left hand of the frontier, and an investor who isnt too risk averse will choose a portfolio on the upper portion of the frontier.
  • Risk-indifference curves are plotted along with the investment opportunity set of attainable portfolios. All portfolios that lie below the efficient frontier have a risk-return trade-off that is inferior to those that lie on the efficient frontier.

Asset Management Exam