Transactions to be reported under PMLA - All cash transactions of the value of more than Rs 10 lakhs or its equivalent in foreign currency. All series of cash transactions integrally connected to each other which have been valued below Rs 10 lakhs or its equivalent in foreign currency where such series of transactions take place within one calendar month. All suspicious transactions whether or not made in cash.
DP may terminate itself from NSDL/CDSL by giving a notice 30 days prior. On receipt of such notice, the depository may cease to provide any service or act for the DP. The depository should notify the DP, other DP, clients of the surrendering DP and SEBI within seven days of this action.
Backup of Data : i. Business partners have to take back ups every day without fail, ii. Two copies of back-ups have to be taken; one copy has to be preserved at a remote site away from the operations and another on the site itself
The Issuer/R&T Agent shall furnish a list of authorised officials who shall represent and interact with the depository within 15 days of the execution of Tripartite agreement
The Issuer and its R&T Agent undertakes that the dematerialization and rematerialisation requests are processed within 15 and 30 days respectively. However, the period may be relaxed by the depositories in case of bulk dematerialization requests.